Quinceanera Spanish Invitation Poems

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 Quinceanera Spanish Invitation Poems

Below are some Spanish Invitation Poems.  Please feel free to use them.  Special thanks to SuperQuince for making them available
The perfect quinceanera invitation is not the most expensive or the cheapest. This invitation has to be unique in your area. Don’t get the one everyone is getting for their quince. Also avoid the stress and order them at least 3 months in advance. Sometimes things go wrong and time is your only friend when it comes to your invitations. The perfect quinceanera invitation should be elegant and unique, and best of all has to fit your theme, and i’m not just talking about color but wording or poems. If your theme is stars, then find a poem that talks about stars, or make your own poem, get a poem that you like and stick in there the word stars, soon you will find out, that it is easier than you think to personalize that perfect invitation.
Many quinceaneras also like to add a thank you verse for their parents, this is cool. But make it small, the invitation will look too crowded, and always remember that sometimes all the padrinos list have to go in the invitation too.  The quincenera that thinks ahead simpre vale por dos.
How about blank invitations?  These are cool too.  You can visit your nearest arts supply store and buy some blank paper and make your own quince invitations.  As I have said, the most expensive are not always the perfect invitations.  Blank invitations or handmade quinceanera invitations are perfect for when your theme is very unique and the only way to match your invites to your theme is by doing the invitations yourself in the computer.  I don’t always like to advice to make your own invitations to save money, becasuse sometimes you spend even more.  For example sometimes you’re almost out of ink and halfway of printing your invites you have to buy a new set of inks.  My $150 dollar printer has 6 ink cartridges and each one cost around $15 dollars , that’s $90 dollars for the ink alone.   And trust me when you’re printing invites with photos , the ink goes fast.  Ok, how about personalization?  Yes you can not beat that.  You can make half in english and half in spanish, something that would be very expensive when your order them to be professionally printed.




Hoy cumplo 15 años que me han traído tristezas, alegrías y sueños,
hoy quiero abrazar la vida y compartir con Ustedes esta ilusión.
Quiero extender mis alas al cielo y guardar el vuelo en mi corazón.
Por esto te espero para compartir esta noche el día ………
No me falles !!!

Hoy a pocos días de mis 15 años
quiero compartir estos momentos que me quedan de mi niñez con vos,
y seguir compartiendo todos los momentos de mi vida. 

Porque me acompañaste desde la infancia
porque compartimos momentos buenos, malos e inolvidables,
porque para mi sos una personita que siempre estará en mi corazón,
quiero que compartas conmigo esta fiesta que va a ser inolvidable…..si vos estas¡ Jeje!
¡¡No Me falles…Te voy a estar esperando!!!. 

Como son mis 15 años?…
como mis ilusiones…, tienen magia, vuelan
como una etapa de mi vida, que empieza hoy y quiero compartir con vos.
Por eso te espero ……..


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